Dental Implants

Dental Implants Brooklyn

Dental implants stand out as an exceptional, permanent solution to replace missing teeth. They provide unrivaled durability and longevity, closely mimicking the look and function of natural teeth, ensuring that you regain your innate smile. Our office proudly offers superior implant solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Comprising a titanium root that is surgically anchored into the jawbone, dental implants provide a robust foundation for an artificial tooth or crown. Over time, these implants fuse with the bone, a process known as osseointegration, making them a truly permanent and stable solution. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants do not slip or shift, providing comfort, security, and confidence while eating, talking, and laughing.

Furthermore, dental implants offer aesthetic benefits that rival natural teeth. With custom-designed crowns that match the color and shape of your original teeth, implants seamlessly blend with your smile, offering a natural look and feel. They also help preserve facial structure, preventing the bone loss that can occur when teeth are missing, thereby maintaining your facial integrity.

The process of getting implants requires a few visits over several months. It involves the initial diagnosis and planning, the implant placement, and the fitting of the final prosthetic tooth or teeth. Our dental team will guide you through each step, ensuring that you receive the best care and results.

Choosing dental implants not only revitalizes your smile but also significantly improves your oral health by preventing further tooth loss and stimulating jawbone growth. We strive to offer the highest quality implant solutions, using cutting-edge technology and techniques to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. Trust us to guide you on your journey to restore your natural smile with dental implants.


1. What exactly are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made of titanium, that provide a foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are designed to match your natural teeth.

2. Who is a suitable candidate for dental implants?

Most people who are in good general health and have healthy gums and sufficient bone in the jaw to hold an implant are good candidates for dental implants. A detailed assessment by your dentist will determine if dental implants are the right solution for you.

3. Are dental implants safe?

Yes, dental implants have been used successfully in dentistry for over 50 years and have an excellent safety record. They are typically made from biocompatible materials which are accepted by the body.

4. Does the procedure for dental implants hurt?

As with any surgery, some discomfort is to be expected during the recovery process. However, local anesthesia is used during the procedure to minimize any immediate discomfort. Pain medication can also be prescribed to manage any post-operative discomfort.

5. How long do dental implants last?

With proper care and good oral hygiene, dental implants can last for many years, and often for a lifetime. They are a long-term solution for tooth loss.

6. Can dental implants be rejected by the body?

Dental implants have a high success rate and are rarely rejected. The material used in implants, typically titanium, is biocompatible and rarely causes a reaction in the body.

7. How do I care for my dental implants?

Dental implants should be cared for just like your natural teeth with regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. Your dentist will provide detailed instructions on caring for your new implants.

Unlock your perfect smile


(718) 692-3333


2006 Avenue M Brooklyn, NY 11210


Monday to Tuesday – 9:30 am – 6 pm

Thursday to Friday – 9:30 am – 6 pm

Saturday – 9 am – 2 pm

Wednesday, Sunday – Closed

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